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Sustainability, Circular Economy and Green Marketing
Design, adapt and quickly integrate the best Sustainability and Green Marketing solutions, also as competitive levers for the companies.
Some Case Studies (IT)
- Global and Supply Chain Sustainability - Plans and projects, Codes of conduct, policies and standards of environmental - social - ethical sustainability, Sustainability Report. Introduction of ISO 14001 and ISO 20400
- GHG emission inventory for organisations, with Reduction Plans 2030 and Net-Zero 2050, in line with SBTi
- Product LCA and EPD calculation. WFP calculation
- Circular economy and zero waste targets - Projects for the recovery-recycling-reuse of end of life product, with reduction and enhancement of waste and residues
- Energy: Diagnosis and efficiency plans – Mapping and actions to reduce the related consumption and emissions
- Green Marketing Projects – For the enhancement of the product on the market.
Servizi finanziari: Carte di credito
Rinforzare la leadership nel segmento carte di credito per il business travel. Rendere l'organizzazione funzionale ai nuovi obiettivi. Riallocare le Risorse Umane in funzione dei nuovi obiettivi. Diventare la prima società sostenibile del settore in Italia e la capofila a livello di Gruppo.
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